Sunday, November 30, 2014

Social Justice: Looking at the World Through a Lens of Justice and Fairness

Social Justice: Looking at the World Through a Lens of Justice and Fairness
- Choose an article from a newspaper or magazine that deals with injustice in some way (provide a citation if you cannot provide the article and a link on your blog). Write about why you consider this an example of injustice and what makes you think about in your own life.

            I choose an article about Malala Yousazai and the fight for girls’ education. I choose to write about that topic because of some of the ways it deals with injustice. For example, Malala says, “ in 2007 terrorism started in swat valley, and women were not allowed to go to markets or to schools.” Another ways the topic of denying girls right to education is, in the village swat Valley more then 400 girls’ schools were destroyed. I consider these examples of injustice because you don’t here anything about boys schools being burnt down or men not being allowed to go to the markets, this is sexism in many ways, letting the male get the better education so he can become smarter. The article made me think that there are so many women out in the world that are fighting for women’s equal rights just like Malala. This makes me want to go out into the world and help the fight for gender equality.

- Observe your school or neighbor. Write a list of all the scenes or situations you come across on a daily basis that you think are unfair to your human rights (or someone else’s). Pick one idea from you list and write a long entry about it.

            List of unfair situations I come a cross everyday in my neighbor hood  
·      Women have you wear hijabs, or scarves.
·      Some women cover everything on there body from head to toe, except for there eyes
·      When elections happen for the Muslim community you only see men voting and only men running.
·      When there are prayer ceremonies only the men will pray.
·      Some women have to shave of all their hair and wear wigs.
Some families don’t through the girls bat mitzvah but only the boys.
The situation I choose to elaborate on is that girls have to wear hijabs to cover up their body. I choose this one because I feel that it is injustice to make a females cover up her whole body except her face (sometimes even the whole face except the eyes). Women are not allowed to so there body at all even in the summer they have to cover up not showing any thing except there faces, well men are able to wear a shirt and they don’t have to cover up at all they are able to show off there body how the want.
-Interview someone you know. Ask them their opinion about what they believe is good about our world and what is unfair about our world. Record your conversation (in writing) and write and entry discussing your thoughts about what had to say.
            Interviewer: Moira Griffin (me)
            Interviewee: Susanne Griffin (my mom)

Me: what do you believe is good about our world?
Mom: hat even though the world still does get in wars we are still together and there might be problems every once in awhile but we still mange to work together as one big world and that’s a really amazing thing.
Me: what is unfair about our world?
Mom: there’s a lot of things in the world that are unfair like global warming for example, there are plenty of people out there are doing everything to stop polluting the earth, but there are still people out there that don’t do anything to help stop it and its ruining the earth, which isn’t fair for the people how are trying to stop it have to get the same punishment for the people because of the people how didn’t do anything to help stop it.

            I felt that what the interviewee had to say was very true. I do thing that it is a very amazing thing that are world is capable of getting along at points and not always trying to kill each other. This shows that the world is able to act and be a community and not trying to take over the world all the time. I also felt like the interviewee said very true things about how things are unfair in the world but there’s really nothing you can do to change everyone around, all you can do is change yourself and you own actions.

- Watch the news. Respond to something you see in the news by putting yourself
In the shoes of someone the newscaster is reporting about. What would it be like to be in that situation?
I watched a news clipping called “Diane Sawyer Sits Down With the Inspirational Malala Yousafzai”. Diane Sawyer on Abc 7 interviewed Malala Yousafzai about her story and how she ended up where she is today. If I had to be in Malala situation I would be terrified of it all I think this because she had to be so brave to keep fighting for what she believed even after she got shot, she got right back up and even fought for what she believed in harder and didn’t give up at all.

-Find a true story about someone you know who changes the world everyday  (even in a small way). Interview and write about them.
            Interviewer: Me
            Interviewee: My uncle

Me: what do you do for a living?
Uncle: I travel the world and take photos for a magazine (a photographer)
Me: do you consider this to help change the world and why?
Uncle: I do consider this to be helping the world change, I think that photos can say a lot about a scenario, if its from a photo showing sexism to a photo of a empty fridge, they all tell a story in a different way then words do.
            I think my uncle does help change the world everyday because, even though he might not be out in the army or doing something really amazing he is traveling thee world and being able to capture a moment in a photo so other people can experience that same moment if its good or bad.

-Collect a poem or a lyric that expresses a significant issue about social issues. Write an interpretation and analysis.
Girl Child
Oh Girl Child! 
How unlucky you are
All bad winds blow on you
Look, the eagles make you their prey
You are a slave to every man.
Oh Girl Child! 
You are denied education
And forced into early marriage
Even if you are one month old! 
Men can’t spare you for defilement.
Oh Girl Child! 
It is you who become pregnant
Your ignorance have taken you to be
A house girl
Oh Girl Child! 
What can you do to fight all these problems? 
Girls, stay in school
And consider yourself expensive.
My opinion on this poem is that they wanted to show all the terrible unfair things that happen to girls and not men. Like how girls must marry young no matter the age or how the girl must pretty much be a slave to every man. But I think the author was trying to teach the girls that they are not property but they are people and they deserve education and everything men get. In the last sentence it says to solve these problems stay in school and I think that’s very true.
-Watch one or more movies or TV shows (a channel that shows returns of older shows might be interesting). Think about how people your age are portrayed by Hollywood. What are “ normal” teens supposed to look like? What race are they? Where do they live? How much money do they have? What is their family like? Write about what these images of teens make you think, know and fell. Are the portrayals of teens accurate? Are there stereotypes being perpetuated?

             I watched the show “The Goldberg’s” this show is supposed to be about a young boy and his family growing up in the 80s. I found this show to have some stereotypes, for example the mom, she is a thin stay at home mom that only cooks, cleans and loves here kids very much. The 3 kids also have some stereotypes like the oldest sister, she is tall, thin, no glasses or anything that is considered “dorky”, and is very popular. The other brother (the youngest) loves, video games, action figures, wears glasses and is considered a “dork”. Well the last kid portrays the qualities of someone that is full of him self and thinks he’s better then everyone else. Lastly the dad, who is overweight, lazy and is always watching T.V. the family, lives in the suburbs with, a classic 80s house.

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